Governor Andrew Cuomo said he would aggressively, “seek ways to expand the presence of locally-grown food markets in urban areas,” in his State of the State Address on Wednesday.
Lea Webb, District 4 councilwoman representing parts of North and Central Binghamton, says she was pleased to hear urban markets make it into the governor’s address. Webb has been leading efforts to bring in the first supermarket to the city’s North Side in almost 15 years. She describes the area as a ‘food desert.’
“People haven’t had a choice,” says Webb. "It’s either you have transportation issues so you have to go way out of your way, miles and miles out of your way to get food that’s better and less costly, or you just deal with what you have in your area.”
Webb said creating more options would be a step in the right direction to address health issues and other disparities.
Cuomo’s Transformational Plan for a New New York did not put a dollar figure on support for green markets, but did say that the governor’s policy would be a win-win for New York’s food producers, as well as for urban residents.
Cuomo's plan also includes developing “Share NY Food," a community supported agriculture program to help small farmers to raise capital for production, and get local produce into underserved urban markets.