Among the arguments against hydrofracking in New York State and across the U.S. is that drillers will be taking the gas from New York and elsewhere and…
Just a few weeks after President Obama visited the Capital Region, an important member of his cabinet was also in town.Energy Secretary, and Nobel Prize…
In its Energy Outlook for 2012, the Department of Energy has reduced its estimate of unproven "technically recoverable reserve" (TRR) natural gas in the…
Beacon Power Corporation, a Massachusetts-based renewable energy company, is declaring bankruptcy - after receiving federal funds from the same program…
The possibility of large scale offshore wind on Lake Erie was shelved late this summer, but a group of international scientists still believe the site has…
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) now estimates that 40 times more gas is waiting to be recovered from the Marcellus Shale than it had thought.The new…
Managing the power grid is a balancing act. As we flip on our coffee makers and turn on hairdryers, the grid is reacting, breathing harder, to keep up…
Eric Toone from the Department of Energy's ARPA-E division was at the University of Rochester last night. We covered his talk on national policy around…
Ever heard of electrofuels? Me neither. It doesn't even have its own Wikipedia page.That, my friends, is cutting edge.Turns out the Obama administration…