© 2024 Innovation Trail
We want to hear what you make. Because the people who make stuff - the artists, business owners, entrepreneurs and dreamers - are the people who actually make up the larger economy.So this year we began recording stories about what you make in our listening booth. You can hear them below, and subscribe to our "Makers" podcast series on the right.If you'd like to host the listening booth at your event, drop us a line.

John Champlin: What do you make?

The Innovation Trail took its listening booth to TEDxRochester this year, to collect stories about what people make, and why.
Zack Seward
The Innovation Trail took its listening booth to TEDxRochester this year, to collect stories about what people make, and why.

John "Magnus" Champlin makes your world a little bit more interesting.

The Innovation Trail caught up with Champlin in our listening booth at TEDxRochester in November 2011.  He told us about his efforts to add "factoids" to the built environment, by designing QR codes that entice and surprise the person who finds them.

Like the music? It's Buffalo-based Fourem's "Voyage to the Center of the Lung."

Support for "What do you make?" comes from Advanced Motion Systems.

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