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Feds release second round of infrastructure cash

On the road to capital planning and construction projects with the Department of Transportation.
via Flickr
On the road to capital planning and construction projects with the Department of Transportation.

Federal funding
Infrastructurist has the details about a second round of infrastructure grants from the Department of Transportation.

According to a department press release, 29 percent of the money will go to road projects, 26 percent to transit, 20 percent to rail, 16 percent to ports, 5 percent to planning, and 4 percent to bicycle and pedestrian pathways.

Twitter for small businesses
Mashable brings us a look at why and how small businesses use Twitter, including how to handle managing an account, and how to track who's talking about your business.

Smart but gross
San Antonio has a novel way to capture free energy - they're using the biogas produced by their sewer system for power generation.  TechCrunch has the details.

Belated holiday
Yesterday was World Statistics Day, so to honor the occasion, Economix has a reading list, including "How to Lie with Statistics" by Darrell Huff, and xkcd. 

Meme alert
Click through if you dare - Gizmodo reports that a college student used a paper to embed the lyrics of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."  That counts as a rickroll my friends.

Prefer lolcats?  Mashable has an extensive post trying to identify why the Internet loves cats.

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