© 2025 Innovation Trail

How to fix New York's budget

Lawmakers at the Capitol have until April 1 to hack out a budget agreement with the governor.
via Flickr
Lawmakers at the Capitol have until April 1 to hack out a budget agreement with the governor.

As part of the conversation around New York's state budget process, the Innovation Trail is sharing commentary about how to fix the budget, from a range of experts and citizens. Here are our contributors:

Want to submit your own budget solution?  Email us your solution at innovationtrail@wxxi.org and we might feature it on the blog.  Here are the rules:

  • Identify a single cut, revenue enhancement, or policy change that you think could have a significant impact on the state's finances.
  • Keep your post between 450 and 1,000 words.
  • Include a short biography of yourself.  Are you a nurse with a great solution for saving money on Medicaid?  Are you a farmer with an idea about agriculture?  Let us know if you have specific expertise in what you're writing about.
  • Use the subject line "budget solution" in your email.  Otherwise it might get buried in our inbox.
  • We might edit your work to make it more readable, or shorter.  We won't change the thrust of your ideas.
  • Sending us your post gives us the right to publish it on InnovationTrail.org and on our partner stations' (WXXI, WNED, WRVO, WSKG, and WMHT) sites - but it doesn't guarantee that we'll publish it.
  • Sorry, no anonymous submissions.

And of course, you can always let us know what you think in the comments, on our Facebook page,or via Twitter.

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