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Buffalo News editorial: Make politicians drive it

Over the rainbow: the Canadian side of Niagara Falls flourishes while the American side is "forlorn."
via Flickr
Over the rainbow: the Canadian side of Niagara Falls flourishes while the American side is "forlorn."

The Buffalo News today has an editorial that takes a hard look at the proposals put forth by Governor Cuomo in his state of the state address last week.

The paper starts by noting that Eliot Spitzer once observed during a campaign stop that "if you drive from Schenectady to Niagara Falls, you'll see an economy that is devastated. It looks like Appalachia."

To help politicians experience that reality, the Buff News makes this suggestion:

Here's another suggestion: The Senate and Assembly require each member, all 212 of them, to drive twice each year along the Thruway from Schenectady to Niagara Falls -- as Spitzer must have done -- past the hollowed factories of the Mohawk Valley and the sleepy expanse of Syracuse's Carrier Circle, through the Finger Lakes and its forlorn monument to the once-transformative Erie Canal, and finally into Niagara Falls where the towering Niagara Falls, Ont., looks down on its forlorn cousin, Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Essentially, get to know it, and then get to fixing it.  It's the same project we're working on as we hike the Innovation Trail, from Albany to Buffalo.  Want to join us?  Friend us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

H/T to Emma Jacobs.

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