Catherine Loper
You hear Catherine about every month or so on WRVO, as co-host of our health and wellness program "Take Care." She also serves as a member of the production team for the show.
Catherine is a familiar face here at WRVO. Our former news director, Catherine now teaches news writing at SUNY Oswego. She's just a building away, but we miss her dearly.
Catherine has a 20-year career in news under her belt: first as broadcast reporter, senior producer, newsroom manager, and, most recently, Director of News for the Washington Bureau of the Fox News Channel. From 2007 to 2010 she was Director of White House Coverage for the network. She has held similar positions at Canadian Television Network, ABC NewsOne and APTN.
Loper had a M.A. in Public Affairs Reporting from University of Illinois at Springfield and a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism and History from University of Southern California.