© 2025 Innovation Trail

Do students drive development - or drive it away?

College students pro and con: someone is making money off that beer - but some people aren't keen an public drunkenness.
Mohan S
via Flickr
College students pro and con: someone is making money off that beer - but some people aren't keen an public drunkenness.

Higher ed is consistently touted as an economic driver for upstate New York, but as Chris Churchill reports at the Times Union, sometimes the "enthusiasm" of students can actually drive away development.  Case in point: the "kegs and eggs" riot that took place in Albany's Pine Hills neighborhood last week:

Now, in the wake of the embarrassing pre-St. Patrick's Day melee, nearly everyone with a stake in the rowdy neighborhood -- students, residents, city officials, and nearby schools -- agrees the long decline of the area must be addressed. In part, that's because student-related issues are spreading to other parts of Pine Hills, threatening the health of a neighborhood that Albany can't afford to lose. "That is the heart of the residential part of the city," said Gene Bunnell, a professor of planning at the University at Albany. "If it doesn't hold and remain livable, then I would worry for the entire city."

TU is kicking off a whole series looking at the "student ghetto" - stay tuned.

We Live New York

The We Live New York summit, geared to students and young professionals, kicks off today.  Rachel Stern at Gannett reports that the event has already signed up more than 300 people:

Over the three days there will be more than 30 sessions with 50 speakers. Lieutenant Governor Bob Duffy and SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher will make a keynote speech Friday afternoon. The sessions are broken down into five specific tracks: business and entrepreneurship, political and civic engagement, cuisine and culture, health and wellness and community, and regional revitalization. Examples of events include a business idea pitch competition, professional development sessions, training to run for public office and revitalization strategies from across the state.

The Innovation Trail will also be at the summit, recording our next Innovation Conversation - "Will You Stay or Will You Go?" - about the decisions young people make when they decide to stay in or leave upstate New York.  You can join us for the taping in the Columbia Room at the Statler Hotel tomorrow at 10:45.  WSKG's Crystal Sarakas will be moderating a panel discussion with

  • Dominic Frongillo, deputy town supervisor of the Town of Caroline
  • Jeremy Cooney, chair of We Live NY and a Rochester-based attorney involved in young professional issues
  • Omar Banks with the Binghamton Economic Development Office

Zimpher on tuition

SUNY chancellor Nancy Zimpher appeared on Capital Tonight to talk to Liz Benjammin about the SUNY trustees' approval of a give year tuition plan (via State of Politics).

CUNY protests

CUNY professors and students briefly blocked access to the governor's chambers at the Capitol yesterday, as they protested cuts to the system.  Jill Colvin at DNAinfo reports that 33 were arrested:

About 200 City University of New York faculty and staff descended on the capitol Wednesday to push lawmakers to reconsider cutting their funding as enrollment climbs. Activists argued that Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed budget plan harms low-income New Yorkers while benefiting the rich, said Fran Clark, a spokesman for the Professional Staff Congress, the union that organized the rally. The governor's budget cuts CUNY funding by 10 percent at a time when affordable colleges are more important than ever, he said. "The crowd was energized, they were chanting loudly and marching in a circle around the War Room in the Capitol," Clark said. Protesters from the Real Rent Reform Campaign, SUNY students and other activists also participated in the march.

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