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Submit your fracking questions to New York NOW

Write to us to share your questions about fracking for DEC commissioner Joe Martens - you might hear the answer on New York NOW.
Alexander Savin
via Flickr
Write to us to share your questions about fracking for DEC commissioner Joe Martens - you might hear the answer on New York NOW.

States around the country are joining the rush to drill for natural gas, but New York is still deciding when and how it will allow hydrofracking, a controversial drilling technique that pumps water, sand, and chemicals into the ground to release natural gas.

New York State's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is at the center of a fierce public debate as it works on writing the rules and regulations that will govern the drilling industry.

Thanks to everyone who submitted questions about fracking for us to pose to Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) commissioner Joe Martens.

Tune into New York NOW the weekend of December 9th (check your local listings) to hear the answers.

WMHT/Capital Region reporter for the Innovation Trail.