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Is Apple coming to the Capital?

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Good Morning.

Is Apple (or rather its suppliers) behind the rather poetically named Project Azalea - a plan for a costly ($10 billion/three Tappan-Zee-bridge-replacements) manufacturing facility 3.2 million square feet in size? Well the same rumors are floating around from macdailynews

Fred Dicker asked Governor Cuomo about it during his program on Talk1300AM, and his comments are above. He doesn't really answer the question.

It's been a good year for the New York wine industry, (D&C)

More updates after the jump.


A budget shortfall has led to layoffs in north country's Adirondack Health reports Chris Knight for NCPR.


Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was upstate yesterday proposing extensions to market credits that he says would encourage the renovation of unused buildings in cities like Rochester. (D&C)

The entrepeneur-in-residence program run by High Tech Rochester has had its funding agreement with NYSERDA (The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) renewed.


Matt Richmond has peered over the current draft fracking regulations and outlines the main features in his story posted here later today.

AP has a story with both good news and bad news on fracking. The technology is out there to control gas leaks if/when they occur, but the industry is moving so fast that regulators struggle to get ahead of the curve.

The National Center for Public Policy Research says it's time for two decades of tax credits for the wind-energy industry to be allowed to expire. (Bonner Cohen and the NCPPR)


"Silicon nanophotonics". From David Zax at the MIT Technology Review.

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